Monday, May 14, 2012

Card Prototype:

Here is the initial design of a prototype of the cards in the game.  Gil Geolingo drew the images on the cards. 


  1. Looking good, Tyrell!

    Since I know someone is going to slam you for this, let me be the first to mention the coolness of having the cards in a landscape orientation, but the horrid impracticality of it. How players hold cards is not conducive to a landscape format, especially when the icons are not visible when fanning out your hand (unless players won't have cards in hand). It doesn't bother me any, but I think I'm in the minority.

    My only nit is the cartoony nature of the icons. With a classy looking game, the icons on the cards need to match the theme and have a more classical motif.

    Keep the goodies coming! Best wishes.
