Saturday, April 28, 2012

More artwork for cards.

This drawing was drawn by ceinwen at  She is a truly fantastic artist.  You can view more of her artwork here:


Gil Geolingo drew these two amazing images.  He draws as glass84 on  Highly recommended!  Above: Forest Giant, Below: Knight of the Living Dead.


Here is the Rock Monster by bgordon35 from 

Friday, April 20, 2012

More Artwork of the cards:

The Emerald Dragon above and Beast Warrior below were drawn by Ben Gordon from Dreaming Monkey Studios.  He draws as bgordon35 on  Awesome artwork for the game.  I really appreciate all the hard work.  There is more to come so stay tuned!

More Art:

This White Knight was done by David Lyon.  He draws as zildgn on 
Excellent artist!

Here is some art for the cards:

This Water Dragon was done by Melissa Sammy.  She is very talented.  She draws under the name of Jlyssa192 on if you want to have her draw for you!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The story!

For some it is a time of Light… others a time of Darkness…  For all, it has become a time of WAR!

Dragonmage Warfare has begun.  You take on the role of a member of the mighty council fighting for leadership.  Your apprentices do your bidding while you expand your political agendas.  It is up to you to protect your kingdom.  Are you a Dragonmage who truly desires peace?  Or are you one who seeks power?  You gain influence by proving your knowledge and experience through the summoning of mighty creatures and casting ancient spells.  Choose your path wisely, for there can only be one ruler in Dragonmage Warfare™